3Mega Guardians-Pernambuco/Recife-Brazil Phone:558187532419 Canal3mgs@hotmail.com

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sexta-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2011


Are we under way in the second video documentary Graffiti and hip hop Recife, Well now with the first ready we are providing the same in sales through the site 3mg's Animes and also by phone tele sales 55 81 87532419, good talking more about the project we are with our projects and seek partnerships with other artists to post and add further our cultural program, this 2 nd stage we are well in need of major assistance, in fact to be clear what group 3mg's Anime is seeking sponsors for making the program, and to optimize designs in various communities, to cultural events, and others. We are available please contact. And thank you for your cooperation directly or indirectly.

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